روز چهارشنبه ۸فروردین
۹۷، بهمناسبت آغاز سال نو ایرانی، جلسهیی در پارلمان انگلستان برگزار
شد. در این جلسه شماری از اعضای دو مجلس انگلستان، وکلا و شخصیتهای سیاسی و
نیز نمایندگانی از جوامع ایرانیان مقیم انگلستان شرکت داشتند.مریم رجوی طی
یک پیام ویدئویی به این جلسه، ضمن تقدیر از حمایتهای نمایندگان و شخصیتهای انگلستان از آزادی و دموکراسی در ایران، به مروری کوتاه بر تحولات سال ۹۶پرداخت.
مریم رجوی به استمرار سیاستهای سرکوبگرانه و
تروریستی رژیم آخوندی در داخل و خارج ایران، کرنش و تمکین روحانی در مقابل
ولیفقیه بهرغم دعاوی اعتدال و میانهروی، ادامه برنامه موشکی و دخالتهای
جنگافروزانه رژیم در منطقه، و همچنین قیام سراسری مردم در دیماه علیه
تمامیت نظام آخوندی و اظهارات خامنهای درباره نقش مجاهدین در قیام و استمرار اعتراضات اقشار مختلف مردم اشاره کرد و خطاب به نمایندگان مجلسین انگلستان گفت:
مردم ایران برای تغییر رژیم بهپاخاستهاند. این تحولی است که آزادی را برای ایران میآورد و امنیت را برای جهان.
بنابراین هموطنان من انتظار دارند که دولتهای غرب بهویژه انگلستان، سیاست خود را تغییر داده و اقدامات عملی و مشخصی برای کمک به مردم ایران انجام بدهند. آنها انتظار دارند که مبارزهشان برای سرنگونی رژیم آخوندی بهرسمیت شناخته شود. همچنین انتظار دارند که آلترناتیو این رژیم یعنی شورای ملی مقاومت بهرسمیت شناخته شود.
انتظار دارند که قدرتهای جهانی روابط خود با آخوندها را بهقطع شکنجه و اعدام مشروط کنند،
رژیم و سپاه پاسداراناش از منطقه خاورمیانه اخراج شوند و آخوندها وادار شوند که برنامه موشکی خود را تعطیل کنند.
همچنین غنیسازی اورانیوم توسط این رژیم باید بهطول کامل ممنوع شود، رژیم بهپذیرش بازرسی بیقید و شرط از همه مراکز نظامی و اتمی وادار شود و دست این رژیم از سیستم جهانی بانکی قطع شود.
بگذارید روشن باشد که طرف معاملات اروپا، در اساس، سپاه پاسداران و ارگانهای وابسته به ولیفقیه هستند. این معاملات برخلاف منافع مردم ایران و صلح و امنیت در منطقه است.
اینها قدمهای مهمی در جهت کمک به برقراری آزادی در ایران است و به از بین بردن خطرات مبرم کنونی علیه جهان کمک میکند.
شورای ملی مقاومت ایران، برای استقرار یک جمهوری بر مبنای جدایی دین و دولت، برابری جنسی، تأمین خودمختاری برای ملیتهای مختلف در چارچوب وحدت کشور، لغو حکم اعدام مبارزه میکند و یک ایران غيراتمی که در دوستی و همزیستی با سایر کشورها باشد.
از همگی شما تشکر میکنم.
مردم ایران برای تغییر رژیم بهپاخاستهاند. این تحولی است که آزادی را برای ایران میآورد و امنیت را برای جهان.
بنابراین هموطنان من انتظار دارند که دولتهای غرب بهویژه انگلستان، سیاست خود را تغییر داده و اقدامات عملی و مشخصی برای کمک به مردم ایران انجام بدهند. آنها انتظار دارند که مبارزهشان برای سرنگونی رژیم آخوندی بهرسمیت شناخته شود. همچنین انتظار دارند که آلترناتیو این رژیم یعنی شورای ملی مقاومت بهرسمیت شناخته شود.
انتظار دارند که قدرتهای جهانی روابط خود با آخوندها را بهقطع شکنجه و اعدام مشروط کنند،
رژیم و سپاه پاسداراناش از منطقه خاورمیانه اخراج شوند و آخوندها وادار شوند که برنامه موشکی خود را تعطیل کنند.
همچنین غنیسازی اورانیوم توسط این رژیم باید بهطول کامل ممنوع شود، رژیم بهپذیرش بازرسی بیقید و شرط از همه مراکز نظامی و اتمی وادار شود و دست این رژیم از سیستم جهانی بانکی قطع شود.
بگذارید روشن باشد که طرف معاملات اروپا، در اساس، سپاه پاسداران و ارگانهای وابسته به ولیفقیه هستند. این معاملات برخلاف منافع مردم ایران و صلح و امنیت در منطقه است.
اینها قدمهای مهمی در جهت کمک به برقراری آزادی در ایران است و به از بین بردن خطرات مبرم کنونی علیه جهان کمک میکند.
شورای ملی مقاومت ایران، برای استقرار یک جمهوری بر مبنای جدایی دین و دولت، برابری جنسی، تأمین خودمختاری برای ملیتهای مختلف در چارچوب وحدت کشور، لغو حکم اعدام مبارزه میکند و یک ایران غيراتمی که در دوستی و همزیستی با سایر کشورها باشد.
از همگی شما تشکر میکنم.
A Nowruz gathering was held on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, at the UK Parliament in the presence of a number of members of both Houses of the Parliament, British lawyers and political dignitaries as well as representatives of the Iranian Community in Britain. In a video message to this meeting, Maryam Rajavi praised the efforts of UK parliamentarians and personalities in support of the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.
Following is the text of her remarks:
Honorable members of the Houses of Lords and Commons,
Distinguished personalities,
Dear friends,
I would like to express my appreciation for your participation in the Iranian New Year celebration and your efforts in support of the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.
This is encouraging for the people of Iran, particularly the youths who have risen up against the mullahs in recent months. They are encouraged by your friendship.
In Persian culture, the beginning of the New Year heralds the end of darkness and despair. There were several important developments last year:
• Contrary to the propaganda by the regime’s appeasers, Hassan Rouhani repeatedly praised Khamenei, the IRGC, the missile program, and the regime’s war in Syria in his second term.
• The regime accelerated its missile program and stepped up its aggressions in the Middle East.
• The Iranian economy experienced further recession and the country’s official currency lost 25 percent of its value.
• At the same time, the Iranian people suffered even greater poverty, hunger, and unemployment.
As far as the Iranian people and the Resistance were concerned, there were also important developments:
• The Iranian Resistance advanced its strategy by further expanding its network inside Iran, establishing more centers of rebellion to launch the uprisings.
• The PMOI reorganized after leaving Iraq.
• And finally, by the end of December, the people of Iran rose up in a major uprising, which quickly spread to 142 cities with calls for regime change. As Khamenei and other regime leaders acknowledged, the uprising was organized by the PMOI.
The uprisings and protests are continuing. Since January, the Iranian people have staged numerous daily protests and strikes in cities across the country. These include a general strike in Kurdistan, the continuing protests by the Steel workers of Ahwaz and workers of Haft Tappeh Sugar Cane factory, the large-scale protests by farmers in Isfahan as well as numerous protests by people who had be defrauded.
These protests have shaken the regime to its foundation. They have also created new circumstances in Iran, showing that the situation will never return to what it was before the uprising on December 28, 2017.
Distinguished Peers and Members of Parliament,
The people of Iran have risen up for regime change. This development will bring freedom to Iran and security to the world. My compatriots, therefore, expect western governments, particularly the UK, to change their policy and take practical and concrete action to help the Iranian people.
They expect that their struggle for the overthrow of the clerical regime is recognized. They also expect that the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the alternative to the clerical regime, is recognized.
They expect the world powers to predicate their relations with the mullahs on an end to torture and executions. The regime and the IRGC must be expelled from the Middle East region.
The mullahs must be compelled to abandon their missile program. Their uranium enrichment must be brought to a complete halt and the regime forced to accept unconditional inspections of all military and nuclear sites. The regime’s access to the international banking system must also be cut off.
Let’s make it clear that the partner to European trade is essentially the IRGC and agencies affiliated with the mullahs’ supreme leader. These deals are against the interests of the people of Iran and against peace and security in the region.
These important steps contribute to the establishment of freedom in Iran and help remove many immediate threats the world is presently facing.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran is striving to establish a republic based on the separation of religion and state, gender equality, autonomy of various ethnic groups in the framework of Iran’s national integrity and abolition of the death penalty, and a non-nuclear Iran that would coexist in peace and friendship with other countries.
Thank you all very much.
A Nowruz gathering was held on Wednesday, March 28, 2018, at the UK Parliament in the presence of a number of members of both Houses of the Parliament, British lawyers and political dignitaries as well as representatives of the Iranian Community in Britain. In a video message to this meeting, Maryam Rajavi praised the efforts of UK parliamentarians and personalities in support of the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.
Following is the text of her remarks:
Honorable members of the Houses of Lords and Commons,
Distinguished personalities,
Dear friends,
I would like to express my appreciation for your participation in the Iranian New Year celebration and your efforts in support of the Iranian people’s aspirations for freedom and democracy.
This is encouraging for the people of Iran, particularly the youths who have risen up against the mullahs in recent months. They are encouraged by your friendship.
In Persian culture, the beginning of the New Year heralds the end of darkness and despair. There were several important developments last year:
• Contrary to the propaganda by the regime’s appeasers, Hassan Rouhani repeatedly praised Khamenei, the IRGC, the missile program, and the regime’s war in Syria in his second term.
• The regime accelerated its missile program and stepped up its aggressions in the Middle East.
• The Iranian economy experienced further recession and the country’s official currency lost 25 percent of its value.
• At the same time, the Iranian people suffered even greater poverty, hunger, and unemployment.
As far as the Iranian people and the Resistance were concerned, there were also important developments:
• The Iranian Resistance advanced its strategy by further expanding its network inside Iran, establishing more centers of rebellion to launch the uprisings.
• The PMOI reorganized after leaving Iraq.
• And finally, by the end of December, the people of Iran rose up in a major uprising, which quickly spread to 142 cities with calls for regime change. As Khamenei and other regime leaders acknowledged, the uprising was organized by the PMOI.
The uprisings and protests are continuing. Since January, the Iranian people have staged numerous daily protests and strikes in cities across the country. These include a general strike in Kurdistan, the continuing protests by the Steel workers of Ahwaz and workers of Haft Tappeh Sugar Cane factory, the large-scale protests by farmers in Isfahan as well as numerous protests by people who had be defrauded.
These protests have shaken the regime to its foundation. They have also created new circumstances in Iran, showing that the situation will never return to what it was before the uprising on December 28, 2017.
Distinguished Peers and Members of Parliament,
The people of Iran have risen up for regime change. This development will bring freedom to Iran and security to the world. My compatriots, therefore, expect western governments, particularly the UK, to change their policy and take practical and concrete action to help the Iranian people.
They expect that their struggle for the overthrow of the clerical regime is recognized. They also expect that the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the alternative to the clerical regime, is recognized.
They expect the world powers to predicate their relations with the mullahs on an end to torture and executions. The regime and the IRGC must be expelled from the Middle East region.
The mullahs must be compelled to abandon their missile program. Their uranium enrichment must be brought to a complete halt and the regime forced to accept unconditional inspections of all military and nuclear sites. The regime’s access to the international banking system must also be cut off.
Let’s make it clear that the partner to European trade is essentially the IRGC and agencies affiliated with the mullahs’ supreme leader. These deals are against the interests of the people of Iran and against peace and security in the region.
These important steps contribute to the establishment of freedom in Iran and help remove many immediate threats the world is presently facing.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran is striving to establish a republic based on the separation of religion and state, gender equality, autonomy of various ethnic groups in the framework of Iran’s national integrity and abolition of the death penalty, and a non-nuclear Iran that would coexist in peace and friendship with other countries.
Thank you all very much.
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پیام #مریم_رجوی به جلسهیی در پارلمان انگلستان: معامله با رژیم علیه مردم #ایران و صلح و امنیت جهان
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